Places to Visit in Enfield, London
Myddelton House Gardens
Bulls Cross
Tel: +44(0)1992 702200
Myddelton House Gardens online: information and bookings
Myddelton House was home to E A Bowles (1865 to 1954) who devoted much of his life to the creation of the Garden. As an enthusiastic collector and accomplished plantsman Bowles discovered and selected many plants, in particular unusual varieties, many of which can still be seen in the Garden today.
After his death, the Garden fell into disrepair and some of the plants were lost. However, since 1984 Lee Valley Regional Park Authority and the E A Bowles of Myddelton House Society have been restoring the 4-acre Gardens in the original style of Bowles. The Gardens are also home to a prized collection of award-winning Bearded Iris.
Archaelogical Evaluations at Myddelton House
Archaelogical evaluations at Myddelton House have unearthed structural remains - possibly part of Bowling Green House, a house which was demolished in the 1820s. A more recent evaluation in March 2005 revealed some interesting materials such as dressed limestone and a large amount of bottle glass - one part may have belonged to an onion-shaped bottle of c.1680-1720!
A National Collection of Award-Winning Iris
Myddelton House Gardens received a provisional award for a NCCPG (National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens) for its collection of Iris. These are all Dykes winners which is the highest award that is given to Iris. Named after a famous Iris breeder, the awards started in 1927. There are UK, USA and Australian Dykes medals awarded. At Myddelton there are UK and USA winners. The collection is not yet complete. Over the last couple of years the collection has been lifted and replanted and can now be viewed in chronological order so that the development of the Iris over the years can be seen.
From M25 J25 take the Southbound A10 signposted London. At the next junction (Bullsmoor Lane) take the right lane filter turning right into Bullsmoor Lane. Follow the road round the left hand bend into Bulls Cross (The Pied Bull Pub is on the right) then continue. Myddelton House Gardens can be found on the right hand side directly opposite the junction with Turkey Street.
In case of alteration, please check prices, opening times and any specific important information before booking or visiting