Heritage Britain

Museums and Art Galleries in London Bridge, London

Winston Churchill's Britain<br>At War Experience, London Bridge

Winston Churchill's Britain
At War Experience

Churchill House
64/66 Tooley Street
London Bridge
Tel: +44(0) 20 7403 3171
Fax: +44(0) 20 7403 5104
Email: click At War Experience%20Enquiry%20from%20Heritage%20Britain&cc=simonwaite555@gmail.com'>here
Winston Churchill's Britain
At War Experience online: information and bookings


A glimpse of civilian life in war-torn Britain during the SECOND WORLD WAR

Descend in the lift to the London underground and see how thousands of people spent sleepless nights. Just as they watched films there, see the interesting and often poignant film footage from that dramatic era. Visit the BBC radio studio, look in the dressing room of the war-time stars and then take refuge in the Anderson shelter and hear the bombs overhead. Read documents and see artefacts from the period and learn about rationing, women at war, evacuation, wartime weddings, memories of Winston Churchill, bomb disposal and the blackout. Children can try on gasmasks and uniforms (bring your camera), see what it was like to sleep under a Morrison shelter and try to defuse the unexploded bomb. End your visit in a London street in the Blitz just after a bomb has dropped.


All groups are welcome and an Education service is available for school groups. Wheelchair access. Small giftshop.

Available for evening corporate and private hire with hospitality.

Winston Churchill's Britain<br>At War Experience, London Bridge

Weddings and Conferences
Facilties available for business launches and promotions.

Adult: £9.95
Child: £4.85
Family (2+2):£25.00
Seniors: £5.75
Student: £5.75

In case of alteration, please check prices, opening times and any specific important information before booking or visiting

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Places to Stay near Winston Churchill's Britain
At War Experience

Greenwich Union Pub, SE10
Bridge Hotel, Borough
Norfolk Court Hotel, Upper Norwood
Plaza on the River Club and Residence, London
Hampton Court Palace, Elephant & Castle