Heritage Britain

Places to Visit in South Kensington, London

Natural History Museum, South Kensington

Natural History Museum

Cromwell Road
South Kensington
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7938 9123 
Natural History Museum online: information and bookings

One of the worlds finest and largest museums of natural history with hundreds of exhibits, many interactive,  ranging from the volcano experience to the dinosaurs exhibition. Creepy-Crawlies exhibition, blue whale, earths treasury, dinosaurs etc.


Celebrate the 100th birthday of the Natural History Museum's most iconic exhibit. The 26-metre Diplodocus that dominates the Museum's Central Hall celebrates its centenary at the Museum on Thursday 12 May 2005.

A free display highlights the history of Diplodocus at the Museum, including photographs and press cuttings from the archives, a display of real specimens and a series of events and activities that celebrate the anniversary.

Diplodocus was a sauropod. These plant-eating dinosaurs were abundant in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Sauropods had a huge body, long neck and tall, stout legs. Visit the display and learn how the Museum's Diplodocus has helped to greatly increase our understanding of sauropod biology.

Natural History Museum, South Kensington

• Restaurant
• Tea Room
• Private Group Tours
• School Tours Available

Monday-Saturday 10.00-17.50
Free of Charge

In case of alteration, please check prices, opening times and any specific important information before booking or visiting

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