Heritage Britain

Places to Visit in Glastonbury, Somerset

Chalice Well  & Gardens, Glastonbury

Chalice Well & Gardens

Chilkwell Street
Tel: +44(0)1458 831154
Fax: +44(0)1458 835528
Email: click here
Chalice Well & Gardens online: information and bookings

There are many associations with Chalice Well covering countless centuries; it is a timeless and sacred place, full of legend, symbolism and atmosphere, a place whose history has no beginning.......

Since ancient times, the waters that flow from deep below our planet have been revered as the essence of life, the gift of mother earth to sustain all her living forms. A spring such as the Chalice Well which has never been known to fail is especially revered as a symbol of the continuous and unbounded nature of the life force.

The people of old saw the wells as gateways to the spirit world where the veils between human existence and the greater spirit became thinner, and communications could take place with the gods and goddesses of the nature religions.

The Chalice Well is one of the oldest continuously used holy wells in Britain. Archaeology has shown that the Spring was used by prehistoric tribes who inhabited this land, and for the last 2000 years we can be fairly sure that the site has been in constant use. To be at the well head, and drink the water and absorb the atmosphere of the place is truly an inspirational experience.

• Historic Attraction
• Gardens
• Restaurant
• Tea Room
• Picnic Area
• Children
• Car Park
• Private Group Tours
• School Tours Available

In case of alteration, please check prices, opening times and any specific important information before booking or visiting

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