Places to Visit in Stockport, Cheshire

Bramall Hall
Bramhall Park
Tel: +44 (0) 161 485 3708
Fax: +44 (0) 161 486 6959
Email: click here
Bramall Hall online: information and bookings
Bramall Hall is an outstanding example of the black and white “magpie effect” Tudor style, England's distinctive contribution to world architecture. Dating back to the 14th century, the Hall has grown and evolved, and as a result, today's visitors can discover six centuries of fine examples of varied architecture, decoration, plaster ceilings, furniture and paintings as well as gleaning fascinating glimpses of social history.
The Hall stands in a park which was landscaped by its Victorian owner Charles Nevill after the style of Capability Brown, to give a grand vista over the terraces, lawns and lakes to the trees beyond.
The main rooms of the house, all of which are beautifully restored, include the Great Hall with its magnificent oak fireplace on either side of which are two stone felon's heads. These once stood at the gates of the Hall. The felon's head, the crest of the Davenport family, symbolises the traditional power of the Lord of the Manor to sentence local criminals to death.
In the Ballroom and Chapel are wall paintings which tell a story of life and religious turmoil in Tudor England.The Hall's kitchen has been painstakingly and authentically restored to give a true flavour of Victorian life below stairs. Bramall Hall's greatest treasure is a sixteenth century heraldic table carpet. Nearly twenty feet long it bears the Tudor shield and records family marriages back to 1397.
The Hall and Park are now owned and cared for by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council. There are regular concerts, exhibitions and workshops to cater for a wide range of tastes. Licenced for civil marriage ceremonies and the perfect venue for wedding receptions and corporate entertainment.

• Historic House
• Gardens
• Tea Room
•Picnic Area
• Car Park
• Private Tours availablebr>• School Tours
Weddings and Conferences
The first marriage recorded at Bramall Hall took place on 30 October 1599. The then current heir to Bramall, aged 15, married his sweetheart bride who was just 11 years old.
Today, couples a little older, can choose to exchange their marriage vows within this beautiful house.
Planning your Wedding
The civil marriage ceremony can be formal or traditional. You can choose to enhance your ceremony with music, poetry or readings (non-religious). Bramall Hall aims to ensure that your wedding will be a joyful and memorable occasion for you, your family and your friends.
The Marriage Ceremony
Experienced co-ordinators will tailor your marriage to your specific wishes. The Hall is licensed for civil marriages - the most popular being the beautiful Tudor Great Hall.
Marriages can be booked at Bramall on any Saturday and at other times by special arrangement. Mid week wedding ceremonies are also available. For a Wedding Pack please call us at Bramall Hall on 0845 8330974.
In case of alteration, please check prices, opening times and any specific important information before booking or visiting